Ways to paint

You can create painted lines and shapes by choosing from plain, artistic, and photo brush styles. Once you create a paint object, you can enhance it as you would any Microsoft PhotoDraw object.

Paint with a plain line   You can select from a wide range of line styles that include solid, dotted, or dashed lines. Paint with a plain line

Example of painted plain lines

Paint with an artistic brush   You can use paintbrushes that simulate media such as charcoal, crayon, and watercolor. Paint with an artistic brush

Example of artistic brush strokes

Paint with a photo brush   You can create paint strokes from photographic images such as rope, flowers, rocks, and dice. Paint with a photo brush

Example of photo brush strokes

Change the look of a painted object's brush strokes   After you create a paint object, you can change the brush style or color of the lines. Change the line or brush style of a drawn or painted object. Change the color of a drawn or painted object

Enhance a painted object with effects   You can enhance a painted object as you would any PhotoDraw object. Ways to fill objects. Ways to modify lines or outlines. Ways to adjust and enhance color. Types of Effects